Galvanized steel wire is a versatile wire that has undergone the chemical process of galvanization. Galvanization involves coating steel wire with a protective, rust-preventive metal, such as zinc. Galvanized wire is strong, rust-resistant and multi-purposeful.
Galvanized steel wire is used typically in agriculture because of the strong endurance that it has. It is also used to create fences because of the anti-rust protective material. Furthermore it is also used in construction for binding because of how strong and durable it is.
Galvanized steel wire is produced through the hot dipped process. Cold drawn wire is placed on a continouos line where it passes through a furnace in order to anneal it then it is dragged through acid cleaning and fluxing. The next process is called galvanizing, the wire passes through a bath of molten zinc which provides the zinc coating and then passes through wiping to remove excess zinc.
Galvanized steel wire is made out of low carbon steel SAE 1005-1006-1008 depending on the required tensile strength.
Coils can be made from 100 kilograms up to 800 kilograms with 4 metal straps to form an even coil, wrapped with a plastic cover.